About Us

The Studio

We are a bespoke furniture studio based on the South Coast, NSW. 

With quality craftsmanship at our core, we create sophisticated pieces that balance artistry with functionality.

From the initial sketch to the final finish, our attention to detail and time honoured techniques ensure we create truly refined pieces, built to last.

We invite you to explore our collection and hope we have the opportunity to create a beloved piece for your home. 

The People

Luke is our chief craftsman. After his time studying at the prestigious Sturt School For Wood, Luke turned his passion into a career. After graduation, he spent years fine-tuning his skills with other highly respected makers across Australia. Luke always had a calling to establish a workshop of his own, and so McLennan Furniture Studio was born.

Jordan is our studio manager. Although her background is in healthcare, she has developed a fond appreciation for fine furniture whilst admiring Luke’s work over the years.

When not in the studio, you will find Luke and Jordan frolicking around the beautiful South Coast region enjoying the many beaches, bushwalks and eateries with their two pups in tow!